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Organisation chart
The Information and Press Service (SIP) comprises a directorate and seven divisions.
The Directorate comprises the Director of the Information and Press Service and the Direction Secretary.
General Affairs
The General Affairs Division brings together the SIP's cross-disciplinary activities. The division includes the Director's secretariat, human resources, reception, accounting, and official notices.
Government Communication and the Internet
The Government Communication and the Internet Division brings together in one body the people responsible for the Internet portals at and, and the person responsible for the Government's presence on the social networks. The members of this division also include the person responsible for communications from the Council of Government and the SIP's press attachée at the permanent representation to the European Union.
Publishing and Press Releases
The Publishing and Press Releases Division is responsible for sending out press releases and memoranda to the editors of press organs and for producing publications (brochures, books, etc.).
Press Review
The Press Review Division compiles three daily press reviews, monitors the audiovisual press, and forwards the despatches of the press agencies.
Organisation and Press Relations
The Organisation and Press Relations Division is in charge of organising and coordinating the media aspects of visits by members of the government and major national events, and of supervising the national and international press in this context. It also manages the government media library, which constitutes the "photographic memory" of the activities of the members of the government, including a selection of promotional images of the Grand Duchy.
Information Systems
The Information Systems Division is responsible for related projects and the equipment necessary for their implementation.
Open Data and Access to Information
The Open Data and Access to Information Division is responsible for defining and implementing a policy to promote Open Data and access to information.