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The Information and Press Service (Service Information et Presse, SIP), created in 1944 under the name 'Information Office' (Office d'information), is the body responsible for circulating communications from the Luxembourg Government. It is attached to the Ministry of State and is under the direct authority of the Prime Minister.
The law adopted on 6 January 2018 defines the missions of the SIP as follows:
a) ensuring the communication of information about State activities to the press, the media, the public and interested parties;
b) defining and implementing the Government's communication policy with regard to Internet and the social media;
c) keeping the Government informed of current affairs dealt with in the press and the media;
d) assisting the Government and the administrations in their efforts to make the Grand Duchy better known in abroad and to cultivate its image both nationally and internationally;
e) publishing and circulating documents and information of all kinds;
f) defining and implementing a policy of promoting open data and access to information;
g) organising press conferences and other events;
h) hosting foreign journalists and official visitors;
i) facilitating the work of journalists and media representatives.