The Luxembourg Style: Integrity,Transparency, Respect. he Luxembourg government formally denies false “Nuqudy” accusations

The Luxembourg government strongly and formally rejects the false and defamatory accusations against the former Luxembourg Minister of the Economy Jeannot Krecké and a high government official in the article “Corruption, Sanctions, and Deal-Making: Luxembourg Style" recently published by the Arabic business and finance news service “Nuqudy". No former or active minister and no former or active government official from Luxembourg is a “cigarette smuggler" or a “nuclear proliferator for the Iranian Revolutionary Guards".

Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker stated in a first reaction: “I have been working successfully with Jeannot Krecké for more than two decades. Minister Krecké has always been an honest and courageous public servant in all of his political appointments. Furthermore, the Luxembourg business style is a combination of democratic integrity, economic transparency and of cultural respect. That is why I vigorously condemn these inaccurate and injurious accusations against Luxembourg!"

Both former Minister Krecké and the concerned high government official are considering taking legal action against the above mentioned accusations. For that purpose, they will both be granted legal support by the government.

Released by the Press and Information Service of the Luxembourg government

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