Lettre de félicitations du Premier ministre Jean-Claude Juncker adressée à Tony Blair

Veuillez trouver ci-jointe la lettre de félicitations du Premier ministre Jean-Claude Juncker adressée à Tony Blair.

Dear Prime Minister, dear Tony,

In the name of the Government of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and in my very personal name, I would like to congratulate you wholeheartedly on the electoral victory of the Labour party and in particular on your historic third term as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

I am most pleased that I will have the opportunity to continue working with you, especially on European affairs. And be assured of my support during the upcoming British presidency of the European Union.

Wishing you also all the best for your birthday, I am looking forward to meeting you again very soon.

Yours very sincerely,

Well done!

Jean-Claude Juncker
Prime Minister

The Rt Hon Tony Blair
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Downing Street 10

(communiqué par le Service information et presse)

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