
  • 588 result(s)
  1. Bulletin "Édition spéciale: Élections législatives et européennes 2009"

    Le Bulletin d'information et de documentation "Édition spéciale: Élections législatives et européennes 2009" informe sur les résultats des élections législatives du 7 juin 2009, la formation du nouveau gouvernement, les membres du gouvernement, la constitution des ministères et reproduit

  2. About... Classical Music in Luxembourg

    This publication introduces readers to early music genres present on Luxembourg soil from the 3rd century onwards before illustrating the path forged by classical music since its advent in Luxembourg during the 19th century. Slowly but surely classical music has

  3. About... the European Court of Auditors

    This publication introduces readers to the mission assigned to the European Court of Auditors, namely the auditing of the revenue and expenditure of the European Union. The various audit procedures available to the European Court of Auditors for this purpose

  4. Panorama - Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

    This brochure presents Luxembourg in a series of short chapters devoted in particular to the country’s history, political life, geography, population, the economy, the environment and culture.

  5. About... Multicultural Luxembourg

    More than 160 nationalities live in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, a fact that influences all aspects of life in the country. This publication studies the country’s history in terms of migration trends and its development from a land

  6. About... Literature in Luxembourg

    This publication presents the development and present state of literature in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg through its authors.

  7. About... Languages in Luxembourg

    This brochure describes the linguistic situation in Luxembourg. Following a brief historical overview of the use of languages in the country, the publication presents the various uses of Luxembourgish on a day-to-day basis and shows how Luxembourg people

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